OCEANS'16 Shanghai SPC participants and judges

OCEANS'16 Shanghai SPC First Place winner and OES President, Rene Garello
If you are selected for the Student Poster Competition, to satisfy the requirements of the Student Poster Competition, you will be expected to:
- Submit an abstract to the Conference Technical Session by the due date and select the option for consideration in the SPC program
- Submit a full paper to the Technical Program by the due date
- Communicate with the Student Poster Chair for the conference, they will send emails with all the information needed, PLEASE maintain communication
- Book travel by the requested date sent by the Student Poster Chair
- Arrange for any needed travel visas in a timely manner
- Submit your poster electronically by the due date (usually two weeks before the conference)
- Attend a SPC Meeting, the Student Poster Chair will provide details
- Prepare a 5 minute oral presentation of your research. Practice, practice, practice
- Attend the Student Mixer during the conference
- Place your poster on Display by the time given by the Student Poster Chair
- Students will be expected to staff their posters during conference breaks and events. A specific schedule will be provided by the Student Poster Chair, however be prepared to spend the majority of your conference days staffing your poster.
- Attend the Student Poster Competition Ceremony
- Dismount your poster by the deadline provided by the Student Poster Chair. Any posters left behind will be thrown away; conference staff is not responsible for your poster.